About Us
When you’ve got an electrical problem, we’ve got solutions.
The past 16+ years have taught us our clients need more than electrical answers. They need a creative approach to cost-effective solutions.
Established in 2005, Relay Electric is a full-service Electrical Construction and Lighting Services firm based out of Suffolk, VA. Our construction services consistently come in on-time making us a valuable partner with our contracting clients. With more than 25,000 completed service calls in our arsenal, Relay is much more than a simple electrician. Our extensive experience in all manner of service assignments and creative approach to problem-solving provides our clients with cost-effective solutions.
We are fully licensed and insured Class A contractors. Our team is comprised of licensed master and journeymen electricians. We serve all areas of Southeastern and Central Virginia, the Eastern Shore, and Eastern North Carolina.
Shannon Lee
Shannon is President of Relay Electric and coordinates the Services arm of the company. She has worked directly with almost all of our clients and is known throughout the A/E/C industry for her superior marketing and business management prowess. She is an exceptional public speaker and trainer. Her direct and personable delivery make her a desired speaker on a variety of topics at conferences, meetings and for in-house client trainings.
Carey Lee
Carey is a licensed master electrician with more than 25 years of field experience. He is the technical guru of Relay Electric. His expertise and know how shines with his creative proactive approach to all Relay projects. He also coordinates with the Relay team of professionals in the field managing and mentoring to ensure each project is treated uniquely.